Bring true beauty to spiritually dark places.
Why do we travel to beautiful places? Is it for the perfect picture? Is it to expereince the feeling on being awestruck? Perhaps it's something much greater.
Your Gift at Work
Every time Mila would close her eyes to sleep, she would have dreams and visions of a man dressed in white. As a Hindu, she had no idea what these visions meant. After waking up one night, she scrolled through social media on her phone and saw a post about a man named Jesus.
Curious, Mila commented on the post, which prompted Yudi, an East-West national partner, to reach out to her. The post was created by East-West’s Digital Strategies team to find people who are interested in learning about Jesus. Yudi told Mila the story of Jesus and shared the gospel with her. Over the internet, Mila confessed her faith in Jesus.
A few days later, Yudi connected Mila to believers who live near her. These believers are discipling Mila and have also shared the gospel with her boyfriend and daughter.
Mila’s community in Southeast Asia is considered one of the most beautiful places in the world, yet it is shrouded in spiritual darkness. By God’s grace, Mila’s eyes were opened to the beauty of the gospel, and her life was changed forever.
Give the Gospel
Throughout the month of September, you can make the largest impact. Every gift given this month will be doubled dollar for dollar up to $500,000. Join us in bringing the beauty of the gospel to billions of unreached people.
Our Gift Acceptance Policy
Your financial contribution to the general ministry of East-West allows our organization to fully support the various ministry endeavors to which God has called our ministry. Funds for the general ministry of East-West will be directed to the areas of most need with the purpose of supporting our daily operations, strengthening our infrastructure, allowing for the flexibility to respond to new or changing conditions, planning for the long term, and investing in staff and technology.
East-West Ministries International attempts, whenever consistent with its charitable purpose and budget, to honor preferences expressed by our ministry partners regarding the use of their gifts. However, East-West at all times maintains full control over all funds donated to East-West and ultimate discretion as to their use, including redirection to other ministry needs. This ensures that all funds will be used most effectively to carry out East-West’s religious and charitable purposes, as required for contributions to be tax-deductible in the United States.
East-West Ministries International adheres to ECFA Standard 7.2 that states: Occasionally, givers request a refund of a charitable gift they made previously. Since contributions must be irrevocable to qualify for a charitable deduction, there generally is no basis to return a charitable gift to a donor.” However, on rare occasions a donor may be refunded if a gift was made in error, and it was clearly not the intent of the donor to initiate the charitable donation in the first place. This will be reviewed by the Financial Services Department on a case by case basis.